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Corporate governance in the news

Corporate Governance Code

Last week saw the importance of good corporate governance within UK companies feature as a topic in columns of The Times; as well as The Independent highlighting the value of employee representation on boards.

As City A.M. phrased it, ‘fixing the corporate governance problem is a national necessity’, and The Times’ article, written by Commissioners of the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice, focused on the need for a focus on the long-term growth and success of British companies.

Non-Executive Directors play an important role in ensuring good corporate governance and are not just relevant to large blue chip companies, but play a vital role on the boards of many types of organisation.

In fact, if you speak to experienced board members of SMEs and start-up entrepreneurs, they will tell you, it’s never too soon to take on a non-executive director.


Related post: Corporate governance in the news


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