Non-Executive Director training by the Institute of Board Members

Our professional training programmes have been developed to create professional NEDs; board members who are effective change makers, equipped with best practice principles to make a positive impact in the boardroom. Non-executive director training from NEDonBoard provides all the tools that new and experienced NEDs and board members require to reach their full potential. Safeguard your reputation for years to come.

“Non-executive directors should devote time to developing and refreshing their knowledge and skills to ensure that they continue to make a positive contribution to the board”.
– Provision 76 of the Financial Reporting Council Guidance on Board Effectiveness

Professional Qualifications
The NED Accelerator - a comprehensive program for aspiring non-executive directors.
Secure a non-executive role with ease, confidence and success. Access our proven method to NED-ship and our in-depth and comprehensive preparation for your appointment.


NED Diploma
Evidence your professionalism, gain a competitive edge and acquire skills to succeed in your portfolio career.


The NED Accelerator - Full Support Programme
Secure a non-executive role with our proven method to NED-ship and hands-on support through group coaching sessions.


Tech for Non-Tech Directors Card Image
Enhance your tech and digital expertise for organisational success and non-executive career advancement.


NEDonBoard chairship certificate
Develop your practice as a chair, leveraging your non-executive experience to step into a new board role.


Joining a Not-For-Profit Board Certification
Take a first step into non-executive directorship with a training course dedicated to the charitable sector and securing a trustee role.


The NED Accelerator - The Starter Programme Certification
Affirm your decision to become a non-executive director and gain a solid understanding of the non-executive role.


Looking for a more tailored training solution?
What NEDonBoard graduates say about their learning experience
Why learn with us?

We’re on a mission to help our members be the best non-executive director they can be every step of the way. Our internationally recognised qualifications, certified by the Institute of Board Members, will bring you the skills, knowledge and strategies to secure the right NED role for you, whether you are already a NED or just starting out on your NED career, and contribute with impact to decision-making.

Institute of Board Members

As the UK’s leading professional body, our qualifications and certifications will give you the roadmap you need to kickstart your journey to professional NED excellence. 

By board members, for board members

Training is delivered by the most experienced NEDs and subject matter experts, ensuring world-class non-executive business and corporate governance, diversity and inclusion in the boardroom. 

Compliance with governance codes

On-going professional development through updated knowledge and skills ensures that your contribution as a NED continues to be positive and impactful.

To discuss your specific needs or assess which of the courses is right for you, book a consultation.
To assess potential gaps in your skills, take a short quiz.