Access our community of non-executive directors

As a sponsored partner, you will gain access to our community of non-executive directors, position your brand as a thought leader in the field of governance, network and connect with board members and share your company’s expertise and experience.

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A community of influential board decision-makers

Our diverse community is made up of experienced, dynamic, and engaged professionals looking to improve the performance of their boards and contribute to the success of their companies. Our members come from a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives. They bring with them a wealth of knowledge, skills, and expertise. They represent a wide range of industries and sectors. 


We value diversity in all its forms, including diversity of thought, gender, age and ethnicity. We engage with first-time non-executive directors as well as portfolio NEDs and board chairs.


We provide a unique platform for our partners to reach this highly targeted and influential audience.


Our partners include companies, associations and other organisations committed to drive sustainability, innovation and prosperity. Together, we empower non-executive directors and boards.

Build brand awareness

Raise awareness of your brand, products and services with the NEDonBoard audience of non-executive directors and board members.

Get your expertise recognised

Position your expertise on specific board themes that our community will associate with your brand.

Gain customer and market insights

Get insights from experienced NEDs and board members on their practices and challenges to strengthen your competitive position.

Reach a targeted audience of decision-makers

Gain access to an influential, talented, and skilled community of professionals operating at board level.

Secure business opportunities now and later

Establish business connections and grow your referrals, generating opportunities now and in the future.

Champion professionals NEDs

Associate yourself with the Institute of Board Members and elevate the performance of non-executive directors for the long-term sustainable success of the companies they serve.


We offer a menu of sponsored partnership activities, suited to your objectives.

Selected partner organisations over the years
Grant Thornton is one of the world's largest professional services networks of independent accounting and consulting member firms.

They partnered with NEDonBoard, Institute of Board Members and benefited in several ways:

  • Brand awareness and positioning of expertise with a targeted audience of non-executive directors (e.g., promotion of research reports, Grant Thornton partner chairing panel events). Estimated 250,000 views of the brand in a single year

  • Support in running internal projects (e.g., 100+ respondents in joint surveys to gain NED perspectives)

  • Access to the NEDonBoard community as host of in-person events. Direct engagement with over 60 board members

  • Introduction to high-profile speakers such as Cherie Blair , hosted in the Grant Thornton premises, setting the scene for more in-depth follow-on conversations