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Equality, diversity and inclusion

Non Executive Director Report


Non Executive Director Market Intelligence

All known relevant reports published concerning non-executive directors are available below. We do the market screening so you can focus on your non-executive role. These resources cover board responsibilities, corporate governance, diversity and women on Boards, directors’ duties and role, shareholder communications and non-executive director careers. This knowledge centre is searchable for members only. Please see below a selection of the latest reports published by our business partners.

FTSE 350 Cyber Governance Health Check: an insight into the issues of today and tomorrow

Cyber security continues to rise up the board agenda with major incidents becoming increasingly commonplace across a range of industries. This risk is not about to fade away but, will likely intensify in the years ahead as companies continue to digitise more of their operations. The reality is that cyber security is an internet-age issue that society, as a whole, has a responsibility to confront, and leading businesses must play their part in helping to tackle it. This report includes a series of viewpoints and perspectives from KPMG’s cyber security experts on future challenges facing companies as they plan their cyber security response.

KPMG is collaborating with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and other business advisory firms on the FTSE 350 Cyber Governance Health Check initiative. The Health Check survey, which is in its second year, assesses cyber security awareness and preparedness across many of the FTSE 350.

FTSE 350 Cyber Governance Health Check

Women in business: the path to leadership

Why do so few women make it to the top of the business world? And what can we do about it? These are the key questions considered by this business report which looks at the barriers and enabler along the path to business leadership. Drawing on a survey of 5,404 business leaders and in-depth interviews with 20 policymakers, academics and senior decision-makers from inside and outside Grant Thornton, draw out 12 recommendations for society, government, businesses and women themselves on how to facilitate female advancement.

Women in Business – The Path to Leadership



If you would like to access our full database, please apply for your NEDonBoard We encourage sign up to our membership to business leaders who have at least 5years experience in 1 or more of the following roles:
Chair and/or non-executive director of listed/private corporations
CEO/COO/CFO/C-suite executive/director level in listed/private corporations
Family member and controlling shareholder of large family company Boards
Institutional investment community senior professional
Professional firms senior partner serving Boards and their committees as clients
Leading academic with suitable relevant experience
Director of government agencies
Director of non-profit organisations


