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First-time NEDs  |  Professional development

Finding the right training course(s) or programme(s) for non-executive directors


How do I find the right training courses as a non-executive director?


There are a myriad of training courses dedicated to non-executive directors. To select the right course for you, consider:

  • learning objectives: What are you trying to achieve?
  • delivery: How do you want the learnings to be delivered: self-paced, online interactive, in-person, a combination of delivery types?
  • budget: What is your budget?
  • qualification: Will you gain a professional qualification?
  • accreditation: Is the course accredited? Is it accredited by an independent third-party or is the course self-accredited?
  • credibility of the institution delivering the course: Is the institution delivering the course independent and reputable? Is it an institute, a university or a professional body? Is it a commercial business? Does it operate as a not-for-profit or is it a commercial entity?

Once you are clear on your learning objectives and outcomes, your budget and learning styles, perform a thorough due diligence of the market and select the best option for you. If you are unclear, please connect with one of the NEDonBoard consultants: schedule a session. We are looking forward to connecting with you.

NEDonBoard is a professional membership body and offers value-for-money professional qualifications.


What are the benefits of NED training courses?


Written by Elise Perraud, NEDonBoard COO
