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Preparing for non-executive interviews


Preparing for non-executive interviews: recommendations to be appointed

You applied for a role and are shortlisted for interviews. Your NED CV and covering letter were compelling and attractive. Congrats!  You are still a few steps away from an appointment: a few rounds of interviews await you. How do you best prepare to stand out in the recruitment process? This blog outlines some powerful recommendations for your preparation. Apply them to get appointed!

You can never over-prepare. The process to secure non-executive director roles is competitive and those better prepared are far more likely to progress. Preparation requires time and  commitment to the process. As a start, you need to thoroughly review the role specification.

Your due diligence starts as you prepare your application. Before submitting your application, read about the organisation, identify some of the opportunities and risks in the sector and any challenges ahead.

In the shoes of the recruiter. Think about their needs and the gaps they have identified, which led to the NED vacancy. Ask yourself what is your value-add if you were to join the board.

What is the composition of the board? Who are the current board members? Who is on the senior executive team? You will want to know who you might meet in the interviews.

Authenticity is a strength. If a board isn’t the right fit, it is best to be aware early in the process. The last thing you want is to have to resign after a short period serving on a board because you were too quick to accept the first role that came up.

Written by Elise Perraud, NEDonBoard COO

For more insight and recommendations, including a list of typical interview format and questions, join the NED Accelerator® community. The Programme will fast track your appointment. We accumulated years of knowledge to deliver a cost-effective, self-paced training course with a single learning objective: secure an appointment. Virtually 100% of graduates committed to the process and applying the roadmap land a non-executive role. For success stories, click on this link or join the community now.
